The definition of cabin fever is ‘a distressing claustrophobic irritability or restlessness experienced when a person or group is stuck at an isolated location or in confined space by harsh winter weather that has threatened both health and safety and make travel impossible’.
This weather has definitely created limitations on our social activities and our work activities. Many folk that work outside have limitations to what’s acceptable - fog, rain and extreme wind that usually render work impossible.
However, gardening does not have those restrictions, so carry on we must.
Luckily, us gardening folk have a happy knack of finding something to alleviate the nasty side effects of been trapped inside.
• House Plants - the grey of winter is easily offset by having some green around and a plant on the windowsill or in a large pot can add cheer and health benefits. Not forgetting indoor plants have varying light and temperature requirements, so if it’s not thriving in its position, move it until you find its favourite spot.
• Herbs - herbs are great to grow all year and happily settle into a pot inside or a protected position outside. All your regular herbs will do well but, if you have space, celery, spinach and lettuce grow all year round and are great to add to your winter cooking.
• Tidy and clean your tools - I know, this is not a favourite job of anyone’s, however, you will increase the life of your tools and prevent potential disease spread from dirty tools. All your timber handled tools can be sanded and oiled with a combination of linseed oil and turpentine - this also helps prevent splitting and splintering. All your cutting tools can be washed and disinfected and now is a great time to oil and sharpen everything.
• Take a course or increase your knowledge - what better time to broaden your garden knowhow than to submerge yourself in a speciality of gardening. There are so many choices - take advantage of the many webinars, books and online classes focused on gardening or related topics. Sustainability, wildflower growing, mushrooming, composting, and soil improvement just to suggest a few. And there are so many wonderful books to lose yourself in and learn so much from.
• Planning and Planting - winter is the best time to plan what to plant. Scroll through Pinterest, buy the latest and greatest magazine, or watch something that arouses the gardening senses. Find something that inspires and plan to ‘copy’ its theme - this can take months - what a great way to while away a gloomy winter days/months.
• Head Outside - there are moments that its ok to go outside and you have to take a leap of faith, rug up and head out. Its normal to think of winter as been downtime but so much is going on out there. My Daphne is in full flower, so too are many of my viburnums and bulbs are starting to poke themselves out of the ground. Not only plants but migratory birds and other critters are busy enjoying to cool weather, and a little fresh air and watery sunshine is great for your mind and body.
“Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle ….. a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream” - Barbara Winkler.
Lisa Walmsley - Dip app science,
Horticulture, Landscape design
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