Murrumbateman Community Association

local community groups Murrumbateman Community Association

Contact Information


19 East Street , Murrumbateman NSW 2582



Location via google maps, if this business has multiple locations please see their website for details.

About Us

The Murrumbateman Community Association (MCA) is a voluntary, not-for-profit, community-based association promoting a rural-residential lifestyle, recreational activities and services for the Murrumbateman community. MCA assists community groups to conduct various activities by providing legal and statutory cover, representation and support. MCA is committed to represent community views to advocate for the benefit of the community by lobbying local State and Federal governments. As an umbrella organisation to initiatives described below and we are working towards organising more events and activities to bring community together as our village grows into a town. Over $1 million has been granted back into the community over recent years as including to deliver recreational facilities. We invite all in the community to attend our meetings, chat at our stall at the Markets, to find out what is happening in our region. You will make new friends and ask that you share your skills to help MCA deliver what you and community wants to see in Murrumbateman.

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  • Community
  • Murrumbateman Field Days
    Murrumbateman Field Days


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