It is a pleasure provide the final update on the MCA for the year. Since writing the last update we have of course had the Murrumbateman Field Days which were a huge success and a credit to the MCA team for their efforts in organising across the year. We had an uptick in visitor numbers from last year and most importantly we have been able to distribute just under $39,000 Aud to community groups and associations who provided the much needed support across the weekend. We are of course also indebted to the large number of other volunteers who turn out every year to help run the weekend. Without them this event would not be able to happen and so a huge thanks to the community for yet again supporting this key event in our calendar.
Elsewhere you may have seen the news that MCA has been successful in obtaining a grant to provide BBQ and covered seating areas for the Recreation grounds. This is a significant success and whilst we will contribute some funds and work to construct them, the provision of $58,000 in grant funding will go a long way towards getting this exciting new facility in place for users of the rec grounds. The plan is to order the equipment and come up with an installation plan in the new year so that they are hopefully good to go before next summer.
We have also been engaged with council in developing the required Plan of Management for the Old Schoolhouse Site which is needed before any new development occurs there. This has been finalised and once cleared by Council will be forwarded to the Minister for approval.
Our final event for the year will be the Christmas Markets and Community Carols on the 21 Dec which is a great chance for a final get together before the end of the year – we look forward to seeing you there.
To get in touch with the MCA with any queries or issues you can either contact us through our website at or email our team using
Iain McCall
MCA President -
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