Murrumbateman Landcare - Wattle will do

news | Sep 5th, 2024 Murrumbateman Landcare - Wattle will do

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Wattle will do

Acacia genus (wattles) consists of over 1000 species - the largest group of trees & shrubs in Australia. Acacia pycnantha (Golden Wattle) is our national floral emblem.

Wattles are tough & diverse, varying in growth habit from low spreading shrubs to large trees. They are the first to germinate after a bushfire or drought. As native legumes, they take nitrogen from the atmosphere, spreading through roots to restore soil fertility & provide nutrients for other plants.

Their rapid growth protects bare soil & prevents erosion, providing structural diversity in revegetation projects & creating microclimate for other plant species to survive. Wattles are frost tolerant & can handle dry periods.

Wattles are an integral part of the Australian environment. The thick foliage provides food, shelter & habitat for birds, beetles, ants, gliders, possums, moths, butterflies, wasps, bees, microbats, lizards, spiders. Traditional owners of country also use some wattles species for food, medicine & material uses.

Wattle is so versatile! For a list of wattles indigenous to this area contact Murrumbateman Landcare Group. Become a member, help out in the nursery (planting seeds right now), order - receive advice free plants.

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