Murrumbateman Little Athletics Club

local community groups Murrumbateman Little Athletics Club

Contact Information


, Murrumbateman NSW 2582



Location via google maps, if this business has multiple locations please see their website for details.

About Us

Little Athletics offers children aged 3 to 16 a weekly session of running, jumping, throwing; all in the pursuit of healthy living and fun-filled competition.

Participation is open to young athletes of all abilities – first timers and seasoned athletes alike. Our program provides an array of athletic events including sprinting, middle distance running, hurdling, walking, jumping (long and high), and throwing (discus, shot put and javelin).

Our home is the Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds in the village of Murrumbateman and weekly meets are held on Wednesday evenings from October to March.


YouTube Video.

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